students happy

Google for Education

Posted: 26th March 2018

Google for Education

Last week, with the help of Kirri, who leads Google for Education London, AS students demonstrated to Brampton teachers why they love using Google Classroom. Kelly explains why it is such a powerful tool for education.

Hi! I’m Kelly and I’m here to tell you a little bit about Google Classroom and my experience with it.

I thoroughly enjoy Google Classroom, as it helps us all to be a step ahead. Jim, my Chemistry teacher, usually uploads materials prior to the lesson. This enables us to understand the foundation at home and come to class refining our knowledge, as well as clarifying our knowledge, tying up any loose ends. For me, this was really helpful because I don’t know about you but I’m always quite curious about what topic we’re about to learn. He also posts videos on the platform and this gives students like me an opportunity to satisfy our curiosity and do a little extra reading.

The great thing about Google Classroom is that it’s portable; you can have it up on your phone or your laptop, so it’s there on the go. I used to be really disorganised, but Google Classroom is like a little organising buddy. It tells me what homework I still have due and what upcoming tests I have. So there is no excuse of “Oh my dog ate my homework” or “Sorry I left it at home” – everything is on there. You can access it anywhere, so you don’t have to heave a 15kg bag everywhere you go with endless papers flying out – everything you need is on your laptop.

I already mentioned that it can be used as a form of communication. When we received our March Assessments, Jim asked us to fill in reflection sheets to evaluate our performance. We did this electronically, so that we can annotate it whenever we want, as well as receive feedback from Jim telling us what we could improve on. A few weeks ago, we did a Polymerisation PowerPoint Presentations in class. After our presentation, Jim asked us to upload it onto Google Classroom, so not only could I use it as a revision tool but I could also share it with my peers. Personally, I enjoy doing experiments in Chemistry, and few weeks ago, we did a titration practical. Jim took pictures for us and uploaded them to Google Classroom, so not only do we have those pictures as memories, but we can also celebrate our success, maybe even share them beyond the college to universities, friends or family; showing off what Brampton is really made of.

I thoroughly enjoyed the talk the other day. Working with Kirri (Google for Education London Lead) really made me want to make a difference with the world, going paperless. It was very exciting to see how eager the majority of the staff were to get their hands on the laptops!

Kelly Chung, AS student

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